Saturday, June 4, 2011

Brain On Jello Mode & Trip

For almost two months now, I've been stressing out about moving and all the details that comes with it.  Been feeling like poo, sleeping terribly (if you could even call it sleep), and all-in-all driving myself and the hubby bonkers.  Lol!  This is the fourth day of being in the new apartment, which is just above where we were living.  The best part is there is no roommates.  Yes!  No drama, no crazy people (other than us ;p ), no sharing the bathroom or kitchen, no one stealing/using our things without asking, and again, NO DRAMA!  It is so very nice.  Definitely a bit more boring, but nice.

After so much stressing, my brain has turned on Jello Mode.  Great thing is, I'm sleeping slightly easier and a bit more restfully, bad part is, it's pretty dead in there atm.  LOL!  There's still a few things that need to get done in the apartment and that, but it seems my mind and body want a break.  I've been neglecting some things in the past couple months that I usually enjoy like Fiesta, an mmorpg that some of my friends play.  It's much easier to get back into the game and enjoy myself when I'm in Jello Mode than if I was still super stressed and feeling yucky. Bad thing is, it's really easy to get mentally exhausted and cranky, but oh wells.

We have a trip coming up as well.  Going to go to my brother-in-law's graduation, which should be fun.  I always enjoy seeing my mother-in-law, Doug (I don't know what I would call him, lol ;) ), and Dalton.  After the graduation, we are heading to my parents house for a couple days or so and then we will be back home.  I'm excited because Madisen will be coming home with us.  She's going to visit for up to a month.  We had lots of fun when she visited for a couple weeks last summer and I'm sure we are going to have much more fun this time.  I'll just be crossing my fingers that the car doesn't break down on the way there or the way back.  Lol!  That would suck.