Saturday, July 16, 2011

Duct Tape to the Rescue!

It's been awhile since I've had furniture that I actually care about whether or not it gets ruined.  The majority of the furniture I've owned in the past few years or so has all been not-so-loved second hand.  I now have a coffee table that, while second hand still, at least is in decent condition.  Yay!  Unfortunately, like most wood furniture, water is its arch nemesis.  I've had quite a few problems since I got it with the condensation from my glass or a little tea dripping on it when I take the bag out of my morning cup.  Since I didn't have any coasters, I tried using some napkins to sit under the glass.  Yeah, that didn't so much work.  Instead I ended up with the bottom napkin stuck to the table to the point that I have to scrub it off.  Frustrated, I finally came up with a cost free solution.  Well, technically cost free.

Enter man's second best friend: duct tape.  I've had a few rolls of duct tape laying around for years and was inspired to use it today by an image of a duct tape purse someone had made.  Out came a woven duct tape coaster.  Yeah, it's a bit ghetto, but it works great!  It's even large enough for my favorite huge mug from Rainforest Cafe (thanks Mom & Dad) that I use for my morning tea.



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