Friday, March 11, 2011

Procrastination & Chocolate Banana Bread

I've been wanting to start a blog for some time now.  Just a place where I can post things I like, things I've made, places I've been, and any other randomness that pops into my head.  I am a huge procrastinator though.  I don't generally put off things with the excuse of 'I just don't want to do it right now', but with various reasons as to why I shouldn't do something yet.  Such as, 'my blog should look nice and pretty before I start posting' or 'I can't decide on what to write as a first post'.  I can go on and on, finding things to stop me from doing something.  It can be quite frustrating.  Lol.

To combat my procrastination some, I have decided to just jump in head first and start posting.  I am not sure how often this blog will get updated, procrastinator that I am, but I would like to try doing it fairly often.  As to what's going to be in the blog, well, everything me.  Lol.  I enjoy a lot of different things and I would like to share those things.

The first of those things that I would like to share is my love of cooking.  I really enjoy cooking and while I am a beginner at it, if I have a recipe, I can usually follow it quite well.  I've been venturing out and trying to find various recipes that I can try to make that aren't too terribly expensive, which of course, means a lot of bread and baking recipes in general.  Lol.

For awhile now, my husband has been pestering me to make Banana Bread so I went in search of a recipe for it.  I ended up finding a recipe for Chocolate Banana Bread.  I couldn't help myself, chocolate and banana?  Together?  Yum.  I made this recipe a few days ago (which was actually my second time with this recipe, hehe) from Joy of (Recipe Link).

This is how mine turned out:


It is quite good.  I put a little extra banana in it this time around and it's really moist.  I also used white and semi-sweet chocolate chips, which I probably should have used more white and less semi-sweet.  Still, I really enjoyed it.  My hubby however, is picky and I still have to go find a recipe for, in his words, "real banana bread".  Lol!

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